Guarding the Gospel of the Glory of the Blessed God

Guarding the gospel of the glory of the blessed God

What we say about the gospel and how we live in response to the gospel matters. Paul writes to Timothy, and to us, with the aim of love in mind. He charges Timothy and the church at Ephasus to guard their doctrine and practice from error. A wrong understanding of the message or a wrong response to the message will result in a failure to love God or others the way we should. Our faith can be wrecked if we do not hear the warning that Paul gives us here. Each of us are to guard the gospel in our lives and in our congregation to avoid blasphemy and the diminishing of the gospel, which is about the glory of God.

Later this week our reading plan will put us in 1 Timothy and I recommend that you power through the whole book before Sunday and then focus on meditating on the first chapter to understand what the heart of Paul’s admonition is. Ask yourself, am I hearing the right message and am I living with an appropriate response to this message? Where is my trust…and what is the outcome in my life?

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