Advancing the Gospel of the Glory of the Blessed God
The true gospel message, when received with a right response of humble surrender to the glorious and merciful grace of God, does not end at the point of believing and repenting.
This gospel sets us on an adventure and we are spoken of as soldiers in battle, as athletes in competition, as farmers laboring for the crop. The point is that we are called to advance the gospel, not to simply receive it.
We are to rely on the Holy Spirit, who dwells within those who belong to Christ by faith, as we strive forward in the purpose of our holy calling, carrying the weapon, baton, or farming tool, which is God’s divinely inspired and all-sufficient word. This revelation of God contains the authorized message that we carry to the world and to our neighbor. We are to fight, to finish, and to trust that our God will give growth and bring forth fruit from our efforts to the praise of his glorious grace.