Being Good Soil

Being Good Soil: Receiving & Treasuring the Word

My Actions: (Found in vv. 1-4)

  1. Look or listen carefully to see clearly what is in God’s word
  2. Devote myself to understand truly what it says
  3. Seek the help of the Holy Spirit by persistent prayer and reliance upon God
  4. Make the pursuit of knowing God the highest pursuit of my life

God’s Response: (Found in vv. 5-15)

  1. He teaches me to submit my life to his rule and to have communion with him
  2. He transforms me… changing what my mind considers wisdom and what my heart delights in

The Outcome: (Found in vv. 16-22)

  1. I am delivered from the captivity of sin and death
  2. I am given the blessing of obedience and life


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